Selling your house in the current market? Then you need a show day
It’s very easy (and quite interesting) to window shop on a property website, but, apparently, say the experts, serious buyers actually attend show days. So when a buyer strolls into your home on Sunday, forget the inconvenience of needing to tidy up and find something else to do for three hours, because the chances are, those visitors are probably loaded with intent to buy.
In fact, says Carol Reynolds, area principal for Pam Golding Properties Durban Coastal, up to 50% of their sales are a direct result of show days. But that’s not all, we have rounded up further professional advice and found a few more reasons why show days will probably never go out of fashion.

1. Curious neighbours are often your best agents
As neighbours we tend to pop in at show days out of pure curiosity, but there’s no one better to actually share the benefits of an area than a happy resident. Embrace those curious neighbours.
According to Bradd Bendall, GM-Operations, Pam Golding Properties, not only do neighbours sell the area, but there is another good reason why it should be no secret that your property is on the market.
“It’s not uncommon that neighbours viewing a property could result in ‘dinner table talk’ and even a sale. Remember that residents want to see their neigbours’ properties achieve the best possible market-related prices because it can greatly impact the value of their own homes.
“Also, a buzz of activity at a show day usually creates a positive atmosphere and if some of those people are residents who can give first-hand insight into the local neighbourhood watch or schools, that’s fantastic,” says Bendall.

2. Buyers prefer to take their time
At a one-on-one appointment, buyers are often distracted, says Bendall. “Not only do they feel like they could be imposing on the seller, but small diversions like bouncy dogs or children trying to do their homework at the dining room table, can take away from the focus required to consider such an important asset.”

3. Both decision-makers in one place
We find that show days make it easier for working partners to view a property together, unhurried, says Bendall, very often this is not practical during the week or after work.
4. An opportunity for your home to look its best
Buyers need to be able to visualise themselves in the space. Show days provide an opportunity for the seller to de-clutter and to ensure that the home is presented at its absolute best, especially when buyers are probably going to be viewing and comparing a selection of properties in one afternoon, advises Bendall.

5. The most accurate market feedback
Buyers sometimes see even more properties than agents and are extremely well educated on what is on the market, says Justin Kreusch, area principal for Pam Golding Properties in Port Elizabeth.
“An incorrectly priced home at the time of going to market can be detrimental to a seller’s end price, however, feet through the door is an opportunity to get the most accurate market-related feedback from buyers. This is an extremely valuable opportunity for the seller and agent to timeously adjust their price,” says Kreusch.
If you are thinking about selling or buying a home, we recommend contacting a Pam Golding Properties specialist in your area for accurate interpretation of information and professional advice.
Images, Johannesburg North: This exquisite Parktown North, character home, on sale through Pam Golding Properties for R5,450 million, will be on show this weekend. Updated, yet retaining its original charm, this property includes an executive garden cottage and beautiful landscaped gardens. For more information contact Byron Thomas or Jonathan Tannous, or read more here.