For those of you wondering what’s happening in the small office park right next to Irene Village Mall, herewith an update.
Irene Corporate Corner (previously known as Quattro Fontane) is a small boutique-style office park in Irene’s newest development node. The office park consists of 19 stands set in a park-like environment. The buildings range from 500m2 to 1000m2 in size and office unit sizes within these buildings start from 170m2. 3 buildings are complete with 4 more in the process of being built and a further 6 ready to break ground. The rest of the development have all been designed or is in the process of design.
The aesthetics of the development is of very high quality with lots of concrete and glass used in the buildings. The architectural theme is in line with the Irene barn look and feels but with a very modern touch. Inside of the buildings has open services and lots of glass partitioning. The landscaping is done in such a way to enhance the park-like feeling, with no fences allowed between buildings. Current and future tenants of the office park includes professionals, medical, construction, IT and property companies.

Security is provided via 3 access controlled gates and perimeter electric fencing. The boutique office park will eventually house about 750 – 900 staff members and approximately 40 – 60 different companies. The gatehouse is planned to eventually house a coffee shop.